News: Zepp’s fuel cell technology moves mobility further​

As the energy transition picks up speed, so is the tech development that can sustain the growth of zero emission mobility. Hydrogen powered transport takes a step with a scale-up from a Delft-based innovator, Zepp.Solutions.

Morph congratulates Zepp, a leader in the European hydrogen fuel cell industry, on securing a EUR 3 million investment. Read more…

Escaping net congestion in 2024: Three new energy kids on the block.

The 2024 new year’s resolution from Morph is about three solutions that tackle the downside of energy transition: net congestion.

Addressing it requires a multifaceted approach that combines technological innovations, regulatory measures, and strategic planning. Our pick: focus on those solutions that are scalable.

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Lenient strategy

How to handle door handles: the luxury architectural design market.

Door handles, knobs & window openers. We touch them every day, everywhere. But have you ever imagined the sheer size of this industry? The global market for ironware is large. Estimated at a staggering EUR 7 billion and still growing with 4%. As construction of private and business housing keeps expanding, it is a highly competitive landscape. But also, a market, where, if you find your niche, scale-up can go fast.

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Morph advises Antea on the participation in leading legal advisory firm JBL&G.

Morph International Research congratulates private equity firm Antea and the management of Juridisch Bureau Letselschade & Gezondheidsrecht B.V. (JBL&G) with their participation in JBL&G. Morph has advised Antea in this process. We carried out a commercial due diligence and customer scan for JBL&G and its subsidiary Medisch Advies Bureau (MAB).

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Own the data and make it meaningful: The new winners in the energy sector

It is a common sight in a lot of households: smart energy meters, for almost free delivered at your doorstep when you decide to buy your electricity from a new supplier. In the Netherlands, half of the households have a smart meter now; expectation is that by next year the 80% threshold is surpassed. 

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Sustainable cashflow: How to make your EBITDA Green & Mean. Pitfalls & quick wins.

Sustainable, Circular, Emission free. All buzz words a business owner can’t do without these days. But how impactful is your company already? Because at Morph, we see many companies unwittingly embracing their sustainable future in sales and their in-house operations.

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Four investment myths unraveled for 2023.

In 2022, we witnessed increasing checks on the future commercial value of companies in which private equity invested in.

And rightfully so.

But are obvious concerns also a reason for a no-go when investing? Morph’s New Year’s resolution: Unravel for your future portfolio four business myths that sometimes restrain the opportunity of participating in growth diamonds. Read more…

FoodTech: Grasshoppers, algae and ugly bananas. Evolution on the retail shelf.

Cupcakes made from grasshoppers, pasta with protein-rich algae, spinach fusilli and munching chips from orphaned bananas that did not stand the beauty test.

Just some developments from the retail food front. Grocery shelves will have different facings in the years to come. Read more…

How to keep your customers after X-mas (and many years to come).

In the weeks before X-mas, customer volume is at it most volatile. “Should I stay or should I go?” is a growing part of the customer’s mindset.

Retaining efforts reach peak levels in the festive month. With competition luring clients susceptible to churn, that effort is mostly too late. Read more…

House for sale. How strategic prefab partnerships are changing the housing market.

As a very traditional industry, construction has never been at the forefront of innovative change in way of working. However, with the increasing pressure on carbon neutral operations, the low availability of craftmanship and the innovations with subcontractors, building new houses are at the eve of massive change. Read more…

Lenient strategy

Flexing your strategy. What can we learn from Olympians?

Lenient companies tend to reach their strategic goals 50% faster than companies who stick rigidly to their growth scheme. And as unforeseen lockdowns by new virus variants will follow less tightening periods, leniency is the way forward. Regardless of company size or industry.​ The behavior of those smart companies nowadays follow the same pattern as athletes reaching for their Olympic dream.

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Remote, Hybrid or back to the Office. What will the new normal be?

Within a week, 2022 is a fact. With Christmas at our doorstep, it’s good to overthink the routines that have drastically changed during the Pandemic. Nearly all of us have been acquainted with the remote & home work option. But will this be sustainable?

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Buy & build: choose your investment criteria carefully

Investment decisions in acquisitions are often complex processes with many questions to answer;

Is the quality of the participation good? Are we paying the right price? What risks do we face in the future? But above all: does it fit well in our portfolio? Read more…